No, all gauges are mounted on the roof, there is no need to enter the tank.
Does the tank have to be empty to fit the gauge?
Is the Levetator affected by wind?
Yes, but being a relatively heavy aluminium diecasting, the indicator doesn’t move all that much, and in 99% of cases there is no problem. If the site is particularly exposed to high winds a wind guard made of 90mm or 4” slotted PVC stormwater pipe or a sheet metal channel is effective. Better still, use a Liquidator instead – the indicator is captive on the pipe and unaffected by wind.
Does the gauge have to be near the manhole?
No, the Levetator, Liquidator and Liquidator 2 can all be mounted readily anywhere on the the tank roof. For the Dipstik, mounting is easier if it is adjacent to the manhole.
My tank has a steep roof, is this a problem?
No, all indicators can be mounted on roofs as steep as 45°.
How much maintenance is needed?
Very little, Yaktek gauges are built to last. We recommend that they are checked occasionally to make sure they move freely – it is possible that spider webs, mud wasp nests, dust build-up, etc., could restrict movement. Water can be used for cleaning but never lubricate with oil – it will attract dust.
How long does the cord last?
Indefinitely, as long as the gauge is mounted properly so that the cord cannot touch or chafe on the tank roof. The polyester cord is UV resistant; some Levetators still have their original polyester cord after 15 or more years. If there is some concern that the water may adversely affect the cord (eg bore water) stainless steel wire is available as an option for both Levetators and Liquidators.